Studies have shown that smoking can cause your body to age faster. In fact, doctors and scientists have found that smoking can make you up to 1.5 times older than your actual chronological age! This is a huge difference, and it's something that smokers need to be aware of. Smoking is truly harmful to our health, and it can cause us to age prematurely.
Smoking has been around since the 19th century, and its popularity soared in the late 20s and 30s. Since then, smoking has become increasingly popular - with smoking rates peaking in the 1950s. Today, smoking is still a major problem among adults and young people alike. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of how smoking can affect your body even if it is widely known how unhealthy it is.
So let's talk about the quickly visible, long term and invisible side effects to smoking:
- Killing your Taste Buds as an easy to notice side effect:
Smoking can have a drastic effect on your sense of taste. It kills off the tiny tastebuds in your mouth, which are responsible for detecting sweet and salty flavours. This means that smoking significantly reduces our ability to taste food accurately, making it bland and unpleasant. In addition, smoking also causes throat irritation, leading to coughing fits when
2.Long term diseases such as:
Smoking is linked to a wide range of diseases and health issues, such as cancer, heart disease, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), stroke, diabetes and more. Smoking can also worsen existing conditions such as asthma.
3.And last but not least, aging you.
The long-term effects of smoking are well-known, but the mechanisms by which smoking causes damage to the body are not fully understood. Now, a team of researchers led by Dr. Olga Kovalchuk has used machine learning to gain new insight into how smoking affects the aging process. The study, which is published in the journal Nature Communications, shows that smokers have higher “aging rates” than non-smokers. In other words, smoking causes people to age more quickly at a biological level. The findings could lead to new ways of predicting and preventing the health effects of smoking.
We know smoking is not an easy vice to get rid off, but if you're ready to quit, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success:
- First, make a plan. Decide when you're going to quit and stick to it. Choose a date that's not too far in the future so you have time to prepare mentally and physically for the change.
- Get yourself nicotine patches or cigar heating devices to slowly transition into a product with fewer chemicals.
- Next, tell your friends and family about your decision. They can provide support and encouragement when you're trying to quit.
- Finally, throw away all of your cigarettes and other tobacco products. Get rid of anything that might tempt you to start smoking again. If you're struggling to quit, talk to your doctor about prescription medications or other treatments that can help. With commitment and effort, you can successfully kick the smoking habit for good.
In conclusion, smoking can be an incredibly difficult habit to break. But the health risks associated with smoking- such as premature aging and higher rates of disease - can be mitigated and even reversed if you are willing to make the effort. With a plan in place and support from your friends, family and doctor, you can quit smoking for good