Epigenetic DNA modifications are changes in gene expression that are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence itself, but instead, they are alterations to the DNA molecule or to the proteins that interact with DNA. These modifications can be passed down from one generation to another and can be influenced by various factors, such as diet, lifestyle, and environmental exposures. There are several types of epigenetic DNA modifications, including: DNA methylation: This involves the addition of a methyl group to the DNA molecule, which can turn off or reduce the expression of a particular gene. Histone modifications: Histones are...
Studies have shown that smoking can cause your body to age faster. In fact, doctors and scientists have found that smoking can make you up to 1.5 times older than your actual chronological age! This is a huge difference, and it's something that smokers need to be aware of. Smoking is truly harmful to our health, and it can cause us to age prematurely. Smoking has been around since the 19th century, and its popularity soared in the late 20s and 30s. Since then, smoking has become increasingly popular - with smoking rates peaking in the 1950s. Today, smoking is...
TruAge Test: Can Air Purifying Plants Slow Down the Aging Process? Although slowing your aging may seem like a difficult task, it can be done by living in an environment with clean air! Pollution from cars, factories, and other sources can accelerate the aging process. Thankfully, there are many air purifying plants that can help reduce the amount of toxins in your environment. Here at TruMe labs, we want to help you biohack your way to a longer life! Here are 6 of our favorite no-fuzz air purifying plants: - Snake plant: The snake plant, also known as the Sansevieria,...
Learn how to drink alcohol without aging!A glass of wine a day can keep the heart doctor away, but there are certain limits to alcohol that we must consider if we want to stop from aging prematurely! Or in this case, from looking older than we are.